Sunday, May 8, 2011

Five Things

 I started following a blog at the beginning of the year called Cupcakes and Cashmere ( written by a girl in LA - she blogs daily about all types of things - fashion, recipes, decorating - and I've become obsessed.  She finds the best outfits at affordable stores, has the easiest recipes, and her house is super cute.  She also has a blog post that she does every week or two called Five Things, where she posts photos of five things she really likes at any given moment.  Because I've been super grumpy about work lately, her blog inspired me to think about five things that I really like - outside of work - because, afterall, work is just a job that helps me pay for the things I like.  So, here is my first Five Things blog entry using my new camera:

Sour Patch Kids - Sour, then Sweet :)

Little Max
Pinkberry - this is my usual order - Coconut and chocolate swirl with raspberries, coconut flakes, cheesecake bites, strawberries, and organic gummies :)
The best boyfriend in the world - he brings me to Pinkberry :)
My Nikon D5000 from my parents - this camera has given me a new hobby that I truly love and enjoy!

So there are my Five Things for this week.  I'm going to continue to photograph five things that I make me happy so I'm not negative Nancy everytime a new work week starts. :)


Friday, May 6, 2011

It's zoom time!

So I've been unacceptably busy lately with weddings, work, and lots of extracurriculars, so I haven't posted any pictures in a very long time - so sorry.  However, I do have some photo updates that I'd like to share:

  1. I graduated from photography class at Brookhaven!  It was a lot of fun and I made some friends in class.  There was some information that was review from the original class I took which helped reinforce those things, and then some new things that I learned as well.  The last two classes we did studio shooting which was a lot of fun too.
  2. I ordered the Nikkor 35mm 1.8 lens that I talked about it my last post - HOWEVER, its completely sold out everywhere and no one knows when they'll be getting it in.  So sad.  I could buy it for $400+ from retailers that currently have it, but I've opted for the $199 + free shipping that I found, and I'll just have to be patient.
  3. Since we all know that I am NOT patient, I bought another lens, which I found on a super sale, which I've already received!  I ordered the 50-200mm f/4.5-5.6 VR zoom lens, and I'm super excited about it.  I've been thinking I needed more zoom power when I've wanted to take pictures of something far away, and this option was rated really high and was a great value, and it has the vibration reduction technology, so that will help with any blur since the focal length will be so long.  I think it will be a great lens for me to have with me on our trip to Charleston!  Here's what it looks like:

So Tyler has left me for the weekend (sad) but I'm on a mission to take some pictures for a new post by Sunday night.  Check back then for pictures!