Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's class time!

So I've been so busy the past few weekends, that I don't have any new photos to post just yet. However, Tyler has promised me that if the weather is nice this weekend that we can go check out the arboretum so I can get some pictures of the stay tuned for this weekend!

In other exciting news, I just signed up for a photography class at Brookhaven Community College here in Dallas!  Class starts in two weeks - Thursdays from 6:30-9:30 (let's hope I can get off work in time!)  I'm really excited to start getting assignments so I can hopefully start building a little portfolio.  Here's the class description:

"Prerequisites: Highly recommended that students have some basic photography knowledge in f-stop, shutter speed and ISO as well as working knowledge of their camera’s manual.

Learn by doing in this workshop with hands-on projects each week. Projects are done in class, with no homework, except some shooting your feet - learning technique.  Improve your images by using the features of your camera.  Your coursework will let you learn the technique/settings, perform tasks with your team partner; and present each week's assignment to your classmates."

Brookhaven has a ton of different photography classes (as do some of the other community colleges in Dallas) and they're pretty inexpensive.  Good thing, because I've got my eye on my first new lens which also happens to be more expensive than my new Marc Jacobs bag!  YIKES!

And in even more exciting news, Tyler and I are going to Charleston, South Carolina at the end of May. There is a "Photography Tour" that I'll be dragging Tyler on, so I'll definitely be taking my camera and am looking forward to getting some great shots while we're there.

Lots to look forward to!


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